Link block, SVG

A link tile, will scale the SVG when hovered.
Will simply fill up all available space, so place this component in a confined element. Preferably a grid.
Here seen inside a parenting <div> with display: grid; width: 300px;

Link block, SVG

Component status: WIP

A link tile, will scale the SVG when hovered.
Will simply fill up all available space, so place this component in a confined element. Preferably a grid.
Here seen inside a parenting <div> with display: grid; width: 300px;

<a class="link-block-svg" href="#">
    <div class="link-block-svg__media">
        <img src="/svg/service_Spisesteder-cafeer.svg" alt="icon" />
    <div class="link-block-svg__text"> 
        <p>Spisesteder og caféer</p>
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